Friday, July 20, 2012

Ten years? You are Fired!

In Terms of both Content & Intent, Yunus’ ouster Elicits Controversy

The latest joke in Bangladesh after the dismissal of Dr.Muhammad Yunus, founder, Grameen Bank, from the post of MD, reads thus – In hell, every other nationality is kept in guarded cells but the one housing Bangladeshis remains unguarded. Because if anyone tries to leave, jealousy ensures that the others pull them back!

After a documentary (aired on Norwegian TV) that tried to prove how Dr.Yunus is embezzling funds (later proved wrong), Yunus seems to have become a prime scapegoat of the media and the ruling Sheikh Hasina Wajed-led Awami League. He has been accused of “making a sweeping statement against politicos”, promoting adulterated yoghurt. Above all, Sheik Hasina has called him as the one who is “sucking blood from the poor in the name of poverty alleviation.”