Saturday, July 29, 2006

Life... and the long and short of it!

Despite Abraham Lincoln’s exhortation about the life in one’s years to matter more than the years in one’s life, longevity is the most oft -discussed topic heard across religious discourses and science conferences. As the world struggles with anti-ageing creams and genomic arrest, the study thus gives good reason not to give up on the quest to pave the longest path to the Pearly Gates. That sinking feeling on spotting the first grey strand, or the appearance of unfamiliar and unfortunate creases on the facial topography, or that sense of the centre of gravity bulging further and further away from the body axis... there are enough reasons to thirst a desire for that elusive fountain of youth, anyway. But, a day on the island of Okinawa off the mainland of Japan, and even the fittest of youngsters would have a self-reproachful word or two about oneself, in the midst of the largest congregation of centenarians, and those in all heartening health!

For complete IIPM article click here

Source:- IIPM Editorial, 2006

Editor:- Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri