At a time when IT companies are sacking people, Laser Soft Info Systems (LSIS), a leading banking and financial services IT company, employs one hundred disabled persons among its 500 strong workforce. Suresh Kamath, MD, started LSIS in 1986. Within 20 years, it has grown and is teaching other companies a lesson in corporate social responsibility through its employment policy. This policy ensures right to employment
to disabled persons as much as it does to able-bodied candidates.
At Valasaravakkam, before entering the office, one cannot miss rows of wheelchairs at the parking lot. Once inside the office, one witnesses employees on wheelchairs moving from one computer to the next on the office’s ground level which is designated to the disabled employees. Prakash, an employee, cannot walk since birth. He is working on developing a hospital management software. “After my BSc in computer sciences, I joined this company. My initial salary was Rs 5,000. Today, after four years, my salary has increased to Rs 25,000 per month. I’ve also managed to help four other disabled people get employment here,” he says with evident pride. ....Continue

At Valasaravakkam, before entering the office, one cannot miss rows of wheelchairs at the parking lot. Once inside the office, one witnesses employees on wheelchairs moving from one computer to the next on the office’s ground level which is designated to the disabled employees. Prakash, an employee, cannot walk since birth. He is working on developing a hospital management software. “After my BSc in computer sciences, I joined this company. My initial salary was Rs 5,000. Today, after four years, my salary has increased to Rs 25,000 per month. I’ve also managed to help four other disabled people get employment here,” he says with evident pride. ....Continue